
The Course Project is mandatory and is worth a significant portion of your grade. It offers you the chance to apply your newly acquired skills towards an in-depth application. It is going to be a group project so you should form a teams of 3. Course Project have 3 parts:

  • Experimentation and PoC
  • Describing results as a paper and publishing the code at github(delivery is: paper+code)
  • Anonymous review of another course project

Evaluation is made based on:

  • Complexity of the problem
  • Quality of the experiment
  • Quality of the paper and the code
  • Quality of the review

Example how the project should look like:

Example 1

Example 2

Important dates

  • Course project proposal: due May 30th, 2023.
  • Project submission date: June 13th, 2023.
  • Review submission date: June 23th, 2023.
  • The final presentations date: June 27th, 2023.

Late policy

  • minus 20% per day