The assignments are due at midnight. The due dates for the assignments will be announced during lectures

Late Policy:

You can use 7 late days, with up to 3 late days per assignment. Once you have used all 7 late days, penalty is 25% for each additional late day

Where to hand in

  1. Put your work into a zip file
  2. Upload it to Google Drive
  3. Get a sharable link from Google Drive
  4. Fill & Submit the Google Submission Form. We will look at the the last submission within the given assignment’s due date

Collaboration Policy

  • Study groups are allowed but we expect students to understand and complete their own assignments and to hand in one assignment per student.
  • If you worked in a group, please put the names of your study group on your assignment on top.
  • Finally, we expect students to not look at implementations online. We take the student Honor Code seriously.